Language Academy provides Iphone Training in Panchkula.We provide complete preparation in iOS development and you will come away with the talent to build iphone apps and a better understanding of the main techniques and concepts. Iphone Application Development course in Panchkula is designed to take existing developers and get them quickly up to speed with Objective-C and iOS development.

Our thorough, full-time course trains students to become proficient iOS developers. We begin with programming fundamentals and quickly level up to advance concepts in Objective-C, Swift, and the entire iOS ecosystem. We make students work in groups on a variety of projects, which we believe is a better learning procedure for them. Our training module is designed for trainees who want to use the latest technologies to create innovative cutting edge applications that enhances the user experience. All of our iOS training material is written in house and consistently updated.
In order to develop great apps, a development environment to work and right development tools are essential. With our training in iOS App Development we guide you through thick and thin. We also ensure to impart a basic understanding of Objective C to our students so that they are able to learn concepts of iOS programming faster.
Introduction to Objective-c programming
Primitive Data Types and Operators
Flow Control Statements
Arrays and Structures
Classes, Objects, and Messaging
Memory Management and Properties
Inheritance, Polymorphism
Protocols and Categories
Introduction to Foundation Framework Classes
File Handling
Property Lists, NSCopy, and Archiving
Selectors and Targets
Dynamic Typing and Dynamic Binding
Long Press
Edge gesture
Introduction and Implementation
UI Imageview
UI Button
UIAlertview -with multiple button actions
UI View
UI Textfield
NSUser Defaults
Text files
Core Data
Apple maps
Significant location change
Background Services
Android is an operating system and programming platform developed by Google for smartphones and other mobile devices (such as tablets). It can run on many different devices from many different manufacturers. Android includes a software development kit for writing original code and assembling software modules to create apps for Android users. It also provides a marketplace to distribute apps. All together, Android represents an ecosystem for mobile apps.
The Android Coaching are available in Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Kharar.
Introduction to iPhone Architecture
Introduction to Development IDE – XCODE, Interface Builder
Creating and building simple applications
Handling Basic Interaction
Creating basic view controllers
Monitoring events and actions
Creating advanced view controllers
Memory Management
Storyboarding Integration
Programmatic Interface creation
Integrating with core services – Email, Contacts, Camera, Map kit etc
Data: actions, preferences, files, and addresses
Camera, WebKit, Mapkit and core location
Creating of database and using it in iPhone app
Introduction to url loading system
Debugging, testing the application
NS Notification Center
GCD (Dispatch Queue Grand Central Dispatch)
Protocols and delegates
Protocols and Categories
Communication with the Services
Using the Accelerometer
Bluetooth Programming
Create App
In App Purchases
Submit App
Create Master Certificates
Provisioning Profiles
Configure Push Notifications
Live Projects
Practicals and Test.
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